Saturday, May 3, 2014

Drink like the Monarchy with the Zaza aka Dubonnet Cocktail!

Have you ever wanted to drink like a monarch?  Here is your chance.  The Zaza aka Dubonnet Cocktail was the favorite tipple for Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother.  Queen Elizabeth like to enjoy this drink before having lunch.  There are countless number of photographs of Queen Elizabeth enjoying this drink.  She liked to enjoyed this drink on the rocks as opposed to a cocktail glass like you would see in bars nowadays.

Why does this cocktail have two names: the Dubonnet cocktail and the Zaza cocktail?  If this drink is served up rather then being on the rocks, the name of the drink becomes the Zaza.  The name Zaza comes from the name of a popular French play which was a hit on the verge of the 20th century.  The play was later made into movies and musicals.  Zaza is also a diminutive of Isabelle.   However there is nothing diminutive of the Zaza.

Dubonnet is the key ingredient in this drink.  There is no substitution for the Dubonnet.  Dubonnet is a fortified wine made from wine, herbs, and spices (including quinine).  Dubonnet was created in 1846 France.  The French needed something to give their French Legionnaires who were fighting in North Africa at the time.  Quinine is a popular remedy to fight malaria.  However, it is very bitter.  So, Dubonnet was created.  It's also the same reason for the creation of the classically popular Gin and Tonic.

Gin is the other major ingredient in this drink.  The botanicals in the gin compliment the Dubonnet. The addition of the orange bitters gives the drink a complex citrus bite and fragance to the drink.  The drink becomes a refreshing drink when served on the rocks.  When served up, the cocktail becomes an elegant aperitif.  Either way the Zaza is great way to drink like a monarch.

Zaza aka Dubonnet Cocktail

1 1/2 oz of gin
3/4 oz of Dubonnet Rogue
2 dashes of orange bitters

Pour the ingredients into a mixing glass.
Fill the mixing glass with glass.
Stir for mixture for about 15 to 30 minutes to achieve proper chillness and to dilute the drink.
Strain into a chilled cocktail glass.


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